Our Campaigns
Vet the Vote
Vet Voice Foundation is a proud partner of Vet the Vote, working to recruit veterans and military families to serve as the next generation of poll workers.

America is facing a looming poll worker crisis for the 2022 midterm elections. There are 17 million+ veterans and millions more military family members committed to serving our country. We are ready to serve again!
The national shortage of poll workers has reached a critical level – the traditional cohort of poll workers has an average age of 60 and the COVID-19 pandemic significantly suppressed their outstanding volunteerism. Election boards across the country have struggled to recruit enough volunteers to efficiently and effectively run elections. America needs to recruit more than 1 million volunteers annually to administer election polling sites.
Veterans and military family members are the answer to this crisis. As a community, we understand and have a history of service. We are leaders in our towns and counties.
Poll workers are essential to the election process. They are responsible for opening the polls in the morning; checking in voters and issuing ballots; maintaining the chain of custody of ballots, providing voting equipment and supplies; reconciling the number of voters checked in with the number of ballots cast at their location; and more. Election Day can’t happen without poll workers.
Vet Voice Foundation is a proud partner of Vet the Vote, a campaign to recruit veterans and military families to serve as the next generation of poll workers. Learn more here.