Priorities USA and Vet Voice Foundation File an Amicus Brief in Michigan to Protect Voter Registration Sites

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, September 27th, Vet Voice Foundation, supported by Priorities USA, filed an Amicus Brief in Michigan to ensure Veterans Affairs and Small Business Administration offices can remain voter registration sites.

In July, the RNC, the Michigan Republican Party, the Trump Campaign, and the elected Clerk of Georgetown Township filed a case challenging the designation of VA and SBA offices in Michigan as voter registration agencies. Vet Voice Foundation, supported by Priorities USA, sought to intervene in that case to protect these voter registration sites, but was denied intervention on August 22nd.

The Amicus Brief argues that this suit is meritless. Plaintiffs lack standing to challenge the agreements between Michigan and the VA and SBA because the designation of voter registration agencies at those offices in no way injures them.

Voter registration agencies are required to offer certain services, including distribution of mail voter registration application forms; assistance in completing voter registration application forms; and acceptance (and subsequent transmittal to the appropriate official) of completed forms. The individuals providing these services are strictly prohibited from partisan activities and from conditioning other services or benefits on either registering or not registering to vote. By aiming to eliminate voter registration at VA and SBA offices, this case threatens to remove a critical avenue for voter registration for Vet Voice Foundation’s members, as well as other Michiganders who wish to register to vote.

“Troops put on the uniform and swear an oath to protect our Constitution and, with it, our representative democracy. They are willing to put their very life on the line to defend it. It’s shameful that anyone would try to stop our Veterans from being able to register to vote, but here we are,” said Janessa Goldbeck, CEO of Vet Voice Foundation. This case is meritless and frankly insulting to those who’ve sacrificed in defense of America. We’re pleased to make our case in this amicus brief, and hope the court will agree that allowing Veterans to register to vote at the VA is a worthwhile endeavor that honors their service and sacrifice.

“We are disappointed to be denied intervention in this case, but believe the Amicus Brief clearly represents why it is a meritless attempt to suppress voter registration,” said Danielle Butterfield, Executive Director of Priorities USA. “We hope that the courts will see this for what it is and dismiss this case.”