Vet Voice Statement on Nomination of David Bernhardt to Department of Interior
WASHINGON, DC – Today, Deputy Secretary David Bernhardt has been nominated to be Ryan Zinke’s successor, as Secretary of Interior. On Bernhardt, Kait Hoit, Iraq veteran and California Director of Vet Voice Foundation said:
“David Bernhardt’s conflicts of interests run deep in California. He’s worked as a hired gun to advance the Cadiz Water Mining Project, which proposes to drain groundwater from underneath the California desert and send it to urban areas, drying up desert oases in the process. He has lobbied for oil, gas, and mining interests and has also worked to undermine protections for endangered species.
“Bernhardt is far too conflicted to be the next Secretary of the Department of Interior. Period. As a veteran working to protect our California public lands, I know that Bernhardt would only continue to harm and damage them. Veterans need a champion to defend the public lands so many of us rely on when we return home. He’s the last person we should trust to do the job.”