VVF Applauds Campaign Urging President Biden to Expand San Gabriel Mountains National Monument

Washington, D.C. — Earlier today, Senator Alex Padilla and Congresswoman Judy Chu kicked off a campaign urging President Biden to use the authorities of the Antiquities Act to expand San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. In reaction to the news, Vet Voice Foundation CEO, Janessa Goldbeck, released the following statement:

“We applaud Senator Padilla and Congresswoman Chu for their tireless advocacy to expand San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. From work like we saw today to leading legislation in congress, they’re tremendous advocates for our public lands and we’re proud to work alongside them.

“Southern California has one of the highest populations of veterans and military families in the country. Whether for reunion or reflection or just a bit of time away, we know firsthand the plethora of ways public lands and time outside benefit veterans and military families. There’s no mistaking it, the expansion of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument isn’t just common sense, it’s also, categorically, good for veterans and military families.

“Today, we again call on President Biden — in the spirit of his fellow president and our fellow veteran Teddy Roosevelt — to use the powers bestowed to him through the Antiquities Act to protect places that are so important to veterans, military families, and all Americans — places like San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.”